三名Khalistan Zindabad部队成员因对旁遮普省派出所实施手榴弹袭击而被捕。 Three Khalistan Zindabad Force members arrested for grenade attack on Punjab police post.
Khalistan Zindabad部队(KZF)的三名成员因在Nawanshahr的一个警察哨所遭到手榴弹袭击而在旁遮普被逮捕。 Three members of the Khalistan Zindabad Force (KZF) were arrested in Punjab for a grenade attack on a police post in Nawanshahr. 嫌犯Yugpreet Singh、Jaskaran Singh和Harjot Singh由德国、联合王国和其他国家的处理人员控制。 The suspects, Yugpreet Singh, Jaskaran Singh, and Harjot Singh, were controlled by handlers in Germany, the UK, and other countries. 他们以警察和少数民族领导人为目标,接受4.5万卢比的资金。 They targeted police and minority leaders, receiving Rs 4.5 lakh in funding. 12月2日,这枚手榴弹从Jalandhar的一个死信箱中找到,被扔到警察哨所。 The grenade was retrieved from a dead letter box in Jalandhar and thrown at the police post on December 2. 进一步的调查工作正在进行中。 Further investigations are ongoing.