巴基斯坦商务部长强调私营部门在加强与阿联酋的贸易方面的作用。 Pakistan's Commerce Minister highlights private sector's role in enhancing trade with the UAE.
巴基斯坦商务部长贾姆·卡迈勒·汗在迪拜午餐会上强调私营部门在促进巴基斯坦与阿联酋之间的贸易和投资方面的重要性。 Pakistan's Commerce Minister, Jam Kamal Khan, emphasized the importance of the private sector in boosting trade and investment between Pakistan and the UAE during a luncheon in Dubai. 他赞扬巴基斯坦侨民在经济增长中的作用,并强调政府努力增加出口和改善监管合规情况。 He praised the Pakistani diaspora's role in economic growth and highlighted government efforts to enhance exports and improve regulatory compliance. 这次活动旨在加深双边联系,探索新的经济机会。 The event aimed to foster deeper bilateral ties and explore new economic opportunities.