巴基斯坦财政部长敦促私营部门通过出口和稳定来协助经济复苏。 Pakistani Finance Minister urges private sector to aid economic recovery with exports, stability.
财政部长Muhammad Aurangzeb呼吁巴基斯坦的私营部门支持该国经济复苏。 Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb called on Pakistan's private sector to support the country's economic recovery. Aurangzeb在伊斯兰堡发言时强调指出,外汇储备有所改善,需要更好的贷款制度。 Speaking in Islamabad, Aurangzeb highlighted improving foreign exchange reserves and the need for a better loan system. 他还强调了出口带动的增长和政治稳定对于吸引投资的重要性,同时讨论了遏制走私和使税收制度数字化的努力。 He also stressed the importance of export-led growth and political stability to attract investment, while discussing efforts to curb smuggling and digitalize tax systems.