巴基斯坦财政部长前往香港,在亚洲金融论坛进行经济讨论。 Pakistani Finance Minister travels to Hong Kong for economic discussions at Asian Financial Forum.
巴基斯坦财政部长Muhammad Aurangzeb 前往香港参加第十八届亚洲金融论坛。 Pakistani Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb traveled to Hong Kong for the 18th Asian Financial Forum. 他将讨论巴基斯坦的经济,与金融领袖会晤,并探索投资机会。 He will discuss Pakistan's economy, meet with financial leaders, and explore investment opportunities. Aurangzeb还将与主要金融机构和香港行政长官John Lee Ka-chiu会晤。 Aurangzeb will also meet with heads of major financial institutions and Hong Kong's Chief Executive, John Lee Ka-chiu. 该论坛旨在从亚洲角度处理关键经济问题。 The forum aims to address key economic issues from an Asian viewpoint.