巴基斯坦财政部长和巴基斯坦央行行长讨论财务问题,并计划召开国际货币基金组织会议讨论新计划。 Pakistan Finance Minister and SBP Governor discuss financial matters and plan IMF meeting to discuss a new program.
巴基斯坦财政部长穆罕默德·奥朗则布会见了巴基斯坦国家银行(SBP)行长,讨论了该国的金融问题和经济前景。 Pakistan Finance Minister, Muhammad Aurangzeb, met with State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Governor to discuss the country's financial matters and economic prospects. 巴基斯坦定于 4 月 14 日至 15 日与国际货币基金组织 (IMF) 会面,讨论一项新计划,并力争在本财年结束前达成一项新协议。 Pakistan is set to meet with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on April 14-15 to discuss a new program and aim to conclude a fresh deal by the end of the fiscal year. 奥朗则布分享了最近会议的最新情况,重点是实施结构性改革和扩大税基以改善经济。 Aurangzeb shared updates on recent meetings, focusing on implementing structural reforms and expanding the tax base to improve the economy.