Buttigigeg表示, 公众可能还没有看到拜登基础设施工程的全部影响。 Leaving office, Buttigieg says public may not yet see full impact of Biden's infrastructure work.
国务卿Pete Buttigigeg在美国交通部最后几天反思拜登政府的基础设施建设工作, Secretary Pete Buttigieg, in his final days at the U.S. Department of Transportation, reflected on the Biden administration's infrastructure efforts, noting that the public may not fully appreciate the work done yet. 他强调了在运输项目中解决社会公正问题的重要性,并承认在数字信息景观方面面临的挑战。 He emphasized the importance of addressing social justice in transportation projects and acknowledged the challenges of navigating the digital information landscape. Buttigieg表示乐观地认为,随着这些项目的完成,其长期效益将更加明显。 Buttigieg expressed optimism that the long-term benefits of these projects will become more visible as they are completed.