菲律宾推动重大基础设施项目,旨在刺激经济和减少交通。 Philippines pushes major infrastructure projects, aiming to boost economy and reduce traffic.
菲律宾政府正在推进包括铁路和地铁在内的重大基础设施项目,以刺激经济和创造就业。 The Philippine government is pushing ahead with major infrastructure projects, including railways and subways, to boost the economy and create jobs. 尽管预算削减,财产购置和供资等挑战重重,但运输部的目标是完成69个旗舰项目,其中16个项目定于2028年完成部分运作。 Despite budget cuts and challenges like property acquisition and funding, the Department of Transportation aims to complete 69 flagship projects, with 16 slated for partial operation by 2028. 这些项目在小费迪南德·马科斯总统的支持下,预计将解决交通堵塞问题并刺激增长。 The projects, supported by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., are expected to address traffic congestion and stimulate growth.