格鲁吉亚Kennesaw执行1982年的一项法律,要求大多数家庭拥有枪支,引发关于安全和权利的辩论。 Kennesaw, Georgia, enforces a 1982 law requiring most households to own a gun, sparking debate on safety and rights.
在格鲁吉亚Kennesaw,1982年的一项法律规定,户主拥有火器和弹药,但残疾、重罪或宗教信仰除外。 In Kennesaw, Georgia, a 1982 law mandates that heads of households own a firearm and ammunition, with exceptions for disabilities, felony convictions, or religious beliefs. 该法旨在加强安全,但在居民中引发了混合情绪。 The law aims to enhance safety but has sparked mixed feelings among residents. 虽然没有起诉,但该镇在2023年没有发生谋杀事件,只有两起与枪支有关的自杀事件。 While no prosecutions have occurred, the town saw no murders but two gun-related suicides in 2023. 至少在美国其他五个城市也存在类似的法律。 Similar laws exist in at least five other U.S. cities.