警告Nuvama报告, 美联储可能降低利率可能会影响印度的股票市场。 Potential US Federal Reserve rate cuts may impact India's stock market, warns Nuvama report.
Nuvama的报告指出,美联储可能降低利率可能会影响印度的股票市场,但警告投资者要谨慎。 A Nuvama report indicates that potential US Federal Reserve rate cuts may impact India's stock market but warns investors to be cautious. 历史趋势喜忧参半,以往的减速导致各种结果。 Historical trends are mixed, with past rate cuts resulting in various outcomes. 目前的经济形势表明,国内需求疲软,市场估值疲软,特别是在工业和汽车等脆弱部门。 The current economic landscape shows weak domestic demand and stretched market valuations, particularly in vulnerable sectors like industrials and automobiles. 建议投资者支持防御部门,并在潜在的市场波动中保持警惕。 Investors are advised to favor defensive sectors and remain vigilant amid potential market volatility.