San Antonio的I-10 West Hildebrand因致命事故向北关闭,预计会长期拖延。 I-10 West Hildebrand in San Antonio is closed northbound due to a fatal accident; expect long delays.
圣安东尼奥的I-10西Hildebrand车道北向关闭,因为发生重大事故,造成人员死亡。 I-10 West Hildebrand lanes in San Antonio are closed in the Northbound direction due to a major accident that resulted in a fatality. San Antonio警察局报告说,所有主车道都关闭,可能长达数小时。 The San Antonio Police Department reports that all main lanes are closed, likely for several hours. 官员建议司机避开这一地区,使用其他路线。 Officials advise drivers to avoid the area and use alternative routes.