德克萨斯州塞拉布兰卡附近的 I-10 East 发生车祸,关闭了所有车道并导致交通拥堵。 A crash on I-10 East near Sierra Blanca, Texas closed all lanes and caused traffic backups.
周四晚上,德克萨斯州塞拉布兰卡附近的I-10东段发生车祸,关闭了所有车道,造成严重的交通拥堵。 A crash on I-10 East near Sierra Blanca, Texas closed all lanes on Thursday night, causing significant traffic backups. 德克萨斯州交通部在104英里标记处报告了这一事件,受影响车道估计在晚上10时30分后将重新开放。 一条半卡车驶离公路被提到是一个原因,尽管不清楚。 The Texas Department of Transportation reported the incident at mile marker 104, with affected lanes estimated to reopen after 10:30 p.m. A semi-truck veering off the road is mentioned as a cause, although unclear. 建议司机寻找其他路线。 Drivers were advised to seek alternate routes.