由于多卡车撞车,德克萨斯-路易西亚纳边界附近10个州间关闭,扰乱了假日旅行。 Interstate 10 closure near Texas-Louisiana border due to a multi-truck crash disrupts holiday travel.
10号州际公路在德克萨斯-路易西安纳边界两边关闭,原因是多辆18轮汽车坠毁,在假日旅行期间造成交通严重中断。 Interstate 10 is closed in both directions near the Texas-Louisiana border due to a crash involving multiple 18-wheelers, causing major traffic disruptions during the holiday travel period. 得克萨斯州公共安全部和路易斯安那州警察局正在管理这种情况,估计没有重新开放的时间。 The Texas Department of Public Safety and Louisiana State Police are managing the situation, with no estimated reopening time. 建议司机寻找其他路线,因为东西行道都关闭,87号州公路和12号州公路上也有转道。 Drivers are advised to find alternate routes as both east and westbound lanes are closed, with diversions in place on State Highways 87 and 12.