印度印度教朝圣者聚集在印度,参加世界最大的人类聚会Kumbh Mela。 Hindu pilgrims gather for Kumbh Mela, the world's largest human gathering, in India.
成千上万的印度朝圣者正在聚集在印度的Kumbh Mela节上, Thousands of Hindu pilgrims are gathering for the Kumbh Mela festival in India, expected to be the world's largest human gathering. 这次活动在恒河和亚穆纳河汇合处举行,以宗教仪式为特色,包括在神圣水域洗澡,据信洗净了罪孽,有助于获得救赎。 The event, held near the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers, features religious rituals including bathing in the sacred waters, believed to cleanse sins and help attain salvation. 当局已准备采取卫生和安全措施,应付难民的涌入。 Authorities have prepared for the influx with health and safety measures.