家庭因父亲在蒸汽室爆炸中死亡后误死而起诉24小时健康。 Family sues 24 Hour Fitness for wrongful death after father dies in steam room explosion.
科罗拉多斯普林斯的一家家庭对24小时健身提出了不法死亡诉讼,指控他们的父亲David Diaz于2023年在健身房的蒸汽室爆炸中死亡。 A family in Colorado Springs has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against 24 Hour Fitness, alleging that their father, David Diaz, died after a steam room explosion at the gym in 2023. 诉讼声称健身房知道 事发前蒸汽喷口故障 导致严重烧伤 Diaz死亡 The lawsuit claims the gym was aware of a malfunctioning steam spout before the incident, which led to severe burns and Diaz's death. 该家庭要求因健身房据称的疏忽而获得一笔未指明数额的损害赔偿。 The family seeks an unspecified amount in damages for the gym's alleged negligence.