伯明翰警方调查了恩斯利新年前夕 发生的一起致命刺伤事件 Birmingham police investigating a fatal stabbing that occurred on New Year's Eve in Ensley.
伯明翰警方正在调查除夕夜在恩斯利第 15 街 2500 街区发生的致命刺伤事件。 Birmingham police are investigating a fatal stabbing that occurred on New Year's Eve in the 2500 block of 15th Street in Ensley. 警官在晚上7点左右发现一名男子被刺伤,尽管他被送往布隆迪联合部队医院,但后来死亡。 Officers found a man with a stab wound around 7 p.m., and despite being taken to UAB Hospital, he later died. 调查仍在进行中,没有逮捕任何人。 The investigation is ongoing, and no arrests have been made.