尽管许多人失去家园, 帕萨迪纳的日工在伊顿大火后仍帮助清理。 Day laborers in Pasadena help clean up after the Eaton fire, despite many losing their homes.
尽管许多人在灾难中失去家园或生计, 帕萨迪纳的日工在伊顿大火后正在带头清理工作。 Day laborers in Pasadena are leading clean-up efforts after the Eaton fire, despite many losing their homes or livelihoods in the disaster. 帕萨迪纳社区就业中心已组织数百名志愿者清洁街道、组装护理包和捐赠用品。 The Pasadena Community Job Center has organized hundreds of volunteers to clean streets, assemble care packages, and donate supplies. 全国日工组织网的Pablo Alvarado赞扬这些工人的社区支持和应变能力。 Pablo Alvarado of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network praised these workers for their community support and resilience.