在一项研究中,钦奈位居第二,在孟加拉之后的印度职业妇女最佳城市名列第二。 Chennai is second in a study ranking India's best cities for working women, following Bengaluru.
在一项关于印度就业妇女顶尖城市的研究中,Chennai位居第二,Bengaluru居首位。 Chennai ranks second in a study of India's top cities for working women, with Bengaluru taking the top spot. Avtar小组的研究根据机会均等、安全、在教育、就业和个人福利方面支持妇女等因素对城市进行了评估。 The study by Avtar Group evaluates cities based on factors like equal opportunities, safety, and support for women in education, employment, and personal well-being. 南印度成为最具性别包容性的地区,前25位有16个城市。 South India emerged as the most gender-inclusive region, with 16 cities featuring in the top 25.