海得拉巴在强大的基础设施和房地产需求的驱动下,领导印度的城市增长。 Hyderabad leads India's urban growth, driven by robust infrastructure and real estate demand.
海得拉巴是印度六个主要城市中增长最快的城市,这要归功于强大的基础设施和高房地产需求。 Hyderabad is the fastest-growing city among six major Indian cities, thanks to strong infrastructure and high real estate demand. 在过去十年里,该市的住宅发射量增长了10%。 The city saw a 10% growth in residential launches over the past decade. 孟买作为金融资本保持稳定,而德里在基础设施和治理方面表现优异。 Mumbai remains steady as the financial capital, while Delhi excels in infrastructure and governance. Bengaluru因其服务部门而显示出强劲的社会经济增长。 Bengaluru shows strong socio-economic growth due to its service sector. 每个城市为印度的可持续城市发展提供了独特的机会。 Each city offers unique opportunities for sustainable urban development in India.