澳大利亚对超过CO2排放目标的汽车制造商处以罚款,以提高效率。 Australia imposes fines on car manufacturers for exceeding CO2 emission targets to boost efficiency.
澳大利亚政府于2022年推出的新车辆效率标准(NVES)旨在通过处罚制造商超过排放目标,减少当地汽车市场的二氧化碳排放量。 The Australian Government's New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES), introduced in 2022, aims to reduce CO2 emissions in the local car market by penalizing manufacturers for exceeding emissions targets. 它适用于4.5吨以下的所有新车,如果目标被违反,罚款为每克/公里二氧化碳100美元。 It applies to all new vehicles under 4.5 tonnes, with fines of $100 per g/km of CO2 if targets are breached. 排放限值将逐年减少,直到2029年。 Emission limits will decrease each year until 2029. 制造商可通过出售更多低排放车辆或将成本转嫁给消费者来避免罚款,从而可能提高车辆价格。 Manufacturers can avoid fines by selling more low-emission vehicles or passing costs onto consumers, potentially raising vehicle prices. NVES并不创造政府收入。 The NVES does not generate government revenue.