AI Chatbot Grok发现医生遗漏了手腕骨折, AI chatbot Grok identified a wrist fracture missed by doctors, sparking debate on AI in healthcare.
一位母亲AJ Kay声称,Elon Musk的AI Chatbot,Grok在医生最初没有发现她女儿的手腕骨折后,认出了她女儿的手腕骨折。 A mother, AJ Kay, claims Elon Musk's AI chatbot, Grok, identified her daughter's wrist fracture after doctors initially found none. 女儿卷入了一起车祸,X光片被认为是无骨折的,但Kay利用Grok重新评价X光片,该片检测出专家确认的骨折。 The daughter was involved in a car accident and X-rays were deemed fracture-free, but Kay used Grok to re-evaluate the X-rays, which detected a fracture confirmed by a specialist. 本案引发了有关AI在医疗保健中的作用的辩论,一些人赞扬其潜力,另一些人则对其可靠性表示谨慎。 This case has sparked debate about the role of AI in healthcare, with some praising its potential and others expressing caution about its reliability.