谷歌在医疗保健领域部署了人工智能模型,包括 Fitbit 洞察和人工智能驱动的印度结核病、肺癌和乳腺癌筛查。 Google deploys AI models in healthcare, including Fitbit insights and AI-powered screenings for tuberculosis, lung cancer, and breast cancer in India.
谷歌计划在医疗保健领域部署人工智能模型,包括由其先进的人工智能模型 Gemini 提供支持的工具,让 Fitbit 用户从可穿戴设备中获取见解。 Google plans to deploy AI models in the healthcare sector, including a tool for Fitbit users to gain insights from their wearable devices, powered by its advanced AI model, Gemini. 这家科技巨头还与 Apollo Radiology International 合作,在印度提供人工智能驱动的结核病、肺癌和乳腺癌筛查,目标是在未来 10 年内实现 300 万次免费扫描。 The tech giant is also partnering with Apollo Radiology International to provide AI-powered screenings for tuberculosis, lung cancer, and breast cancer in India, aiming for 3 million free scans over the next 10 years. 此外,作为其以健康为重点的举措的一部分,谷歌还将改进 Google 搜索和 YouTube 中的健康信息。 Additionally, Google will improve health information in Google Search and YouTube as part of its health-focused initiatives.