尽管存在错误和偏见的风险,但大赦国际在美国医疗保健中的使用却在增加,强调需要仔细评估。 Despite risks of errors and bias, AI use in U.S. healthcare grows, stressing need for careful evaluation.
美国医疗中越来越多地使用人工智能(AI)来减轻医生压力和加速治疗。 Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in U.S. healthcare to reduce doctor stress and speed up treatments. 然而,研究表明,像ChatGPT这样的AI工具可以对医疗问题提供不正确或有偏见的回答,重复医生的偏见,甚至编造信息。 However, studies show that AI tools like ChatGPT can provide incorrect or biased responses to medical questions, echoing doctors' biases and even fabricating information. 尽管存在这些风险,但人工智能在医疗保健中的应用仍在不断增长,专家强调需要仔细评估以确保安全有效的使用. Despite these risks, AI adoption in healthcare continues to grow, with experts emphasizing the need for careful evaluation to ensure safe and effective use.