阿根廷Nahuel Huapi国家公园的野火摧毁了3 500多公顷土地, Wildfire in Argentina's Nahuel Huapi National Park destroys over 3,500 hectares, impacting nearby areas.
阿根廷Nahuel Huapi国家公园于2024年12月25日爆发野火, 摧毁超过3500公顷土地, A wildfire that started on December 25, 2024, in Argentina's Nahuel Huapi National Park has destroyed over 3,500 hectares of land. 该公园建于1934年,面积710,000公顷,以保护安第斯生态系统、流域、野生生物和文化遗产著称。 The park, established in 1934 and spanning 710,000 hectares, is known for protecting Andean ecosystems, water basins, wildlife, and cultural heritage. 公园部分地区的出入受到限制,火灾产生的烟雾正在影响附近的Bariloche市。 Access to parts of the park has been restricted, and the smoke from the fire is affecting the nearby city of Bariloche.