西棕榈海滩限制绿市附近的交通,并在新奥尔良袭击后加强安全。 West Palm Beach restricts traffic near GreenMarket and adds security after New Orleans attack.
在新奥尔良恐怖攻击造成14人死亡之后, 西棕榈滩正在加强绿市中心的安全。 West Palm Beach is enhancing security at its downtown GreenMarket following the New Orleans terrorist attack that killed 14 people. 从本星期六开始,从上午5时至下午4时禁止车辆在周围几条街道上行驶。 Starting this Saturday, vehicular traffic will be prohibited on several surrounding streets from 5 a.m. to 4 p.m. 市场时间延长到上午8时30分至下午1时30分,该市将增加警卫和便携式路障。 The market's hours are extended to 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and the city will add more security officers and portable roadblocks. 这些措施旨在确保公共安全,而不会受到任何具体威胁。 These measures aim to ensure public safety without any specific threats.