一位英国屋主打破了他们的“1月dry April”誓言, 庆祝赢得400万英镑的住宅。 A UK homeowner broke their 'dry January' pledge to celebrate winning a £4 million home.
一个房主承认打破了他们的“一月干”承诺, 庆祝赢得400万英镑的家园。 A homeowner admitted to breaking their 'dry January' pledge to celebrate winning a £4 million home. “干一月”的做法涉及一个月戒酒以改善健康和减少饮酒。 The practice of 'dry January' involves abstaining from alcohol for the month to improve health and reduce drinking. 屋主感到有必要喝杯饮料来庆祝如此重大的人生大事。 The homeowner felt the need to celebrate such a significant life event by enjoying a drink.