两名蒙面强盗从瓦西珠宝商那里偷走了价值40-45万马克的黄金,袭击了该店主。 Two masked robbers stole about ₹40-45 lakh worth of gold from a Vasai jeweler, assaulting the owner.
两名蒙面强盗在周五晚上从瓦赛的Mayank珠宝商那里偷走了价值40-45万的黄金。 Two masked robbers stole around ₹40-45 lakh worth of gold from Mayank Jewellers in Vasai on Friday night. 在闭路电视上看到的袭击者袭击了60岁的房主Ratanlalji Sanghvi,他现在正在医院康复。 The attackers, seen on CCTV, assaulted the 60-year-old owner, Ratanlalji Sanghvi, who is now recovering in the hospital. 瓦萨伊警方登记了一起盗窃案和武器法规定的案件,并在闭路电视录像和公共合作的帮助下进行调查。 The Vasai police have registered a case under theft and arm act provisions and are investigating with the help of CCTV footage and public cooperation. 失窃的确切数额仍然不明。 The exact amount stolen is still unknown.