孟买警方逮捕了两名涉嫌在圣乔治医院附近抢劫的嫌疑人;黄金被盗,一人受伤。 Mumbai police arrest two suspects in a robbery near St George Hospital; gold stolen and one injured.
孟买警方于星期一晚上在圣乔治医院附近逮捕了两名涉嫌持械抢劫的嫌犯, Police in Mumbai have arrested two suspects in an armed robbery where a man and his nephew were attacked near St George Hospital on Monday night. 袭击者共4人,偷了一个装有黄金首饰的袋子,价值42.27万卢比,一名袭击者开枪,打伤了侄子。 The assailants, four in total, stole a bag containing gold ornaments worth Rs 42.27 lakh, and one attacker fired shots, injuring the nephew. 警察利用袋子上的GPS跟踪芯片和闭路电视录像,找到了一些黄金,仍在寻找另外两名嫌疑人。 Using a GPS tracking chip on the bag and CCTV footage, police recovered some of the gold and are still searching for the other two suspects.