在德里的争吵中,青少年遭到枪击;引起人们对枪支暴力上升的担忧。 Teen shot during argument in Delhi; sparks concern over rising gun violence.
星期五晚上在德里东北部Seelampur发生争吵时,一名15岁男孩中枪受伤。 A 15-year-old boy was shot and injured in Seelampur, northeast Delhi, during an argument on Friday night. 尽管有严格的枪支法,但这一事件引发了人们对该市枪支暴力上升的担忧。 The incident has sparked concern over the rise in gun violence in the city, despite strict gun laws. 最近许多枪击事件涉及未经许可的火器,对执法部门控制非法持有的努力提出了挑战。 Many recent shootings involve unlicensed firearms, challenging law enforcement's efforts to control illegal possession. 此案已经登记,警方正在搜寻嫌疑人。 The case has been registered, and police are searching for the suspect.