印度的一位校长在一次写作活动中,有80名女孩脱掉衬衫,引发了调查。 A school principal in India had 80 girls remove their shirts during a writing event, sparking an investigation.
Jharkhand Dhanbad的一位私立学校校长命令80名10级女孩在“pen day”庆典期间脱下衬衫, A private school principal in Dhanbad, Jharkhand, ordered 80 Class 10 girls to remove their shirts during a 'pen day' celebration, where students write messages on each other's shirts. 女孩们被送回家时穿着不带衬衫的外套。 The girls were sent home in their blazers without shirts. 家长投诉,导致副专员展开调查。 Parents complained, leading the Deputy Commissioner to launch an investigation. 已成立一个委员会来调查这一事件。 A committee has been set up to probe the incident.