印度的学生在考试中要求卫生纸被处罚, 调查正在进行中. Uttar Pradesh student punished for asking for a sanitary pad during exam; investigation underway.
北方邦一名11年级学生在考试期间申请卫生巾后,被迫在教室外面站了一小时。 A Class 11 student in Uttar Pradesh was forced to stand outside her classroom for an hour after requesting a sanitary pad during her exam. 这位刚开始月经周期的学生据称被校长忽视了。 The student, who had just started her menstrual cycle, was allegedly ignored by the principal. 她父亲向多个当局提出了投诉,导致正式调查。 Her father filed complaints with multiple authorities, leading to an official investigation. 区学校检查员证实了调查,并根据调查结果采取行动。 The District Inspector of Schools confirmed the investigation, with actions to follow based on the findings.