津巴布韦一名六年级学生因不顾医生的信而不剪头发而被开除;调查正在进行中。 6th-grader expelled in Zimbabwe for not cutting hair, despite doctor's letter; investigation ongoing.
津巴布韦布拉瓦约的一名六年级学生因不剪头发而被 Indlovu Iyanyathela 小学开除。 A Grade 6 student in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe was expelled from Indlovu Iyanyathela Primary School for not cutting her hair. 学校校长 Themba Siziba 打电话给女孩的父亲,要求他不要把她送回去,尽管医生在信中指出,孩子的健康状况要求她不能剪头发。 The school's head, Themba Siziba, called the girl's father and demanded he not send her back, despite a doctor's letter stating the child's medical condition required her hair to remain uncut. 中小学教育部现将调查此事。 The Primary and Secondary Education ministry will now investigate the situation.