警方清除了在伦敦袭击一名妇女的两只狗的枪击案,禁止拥有狗的主人拥有狗。 Police cleared in shooting of two dogs that attacked a woman in London; owner banned from owning dogs.
警方在2023年5月7日在伦敦波普勒袭击一名妇女的两只狗被枪杀后被清除不当行为. Police cleared of misconduct after fatally shooting two dogs that attacked a woman in Poplar, London, on May 7, 2023. 一名妇女遭到袭击后,一名警察被叫来;一只狗向一个搬运工跳跃,遭到殴打和枪击。 Officers were called after a woman was attacked; one dog lunged at a handler and was tasered and shot. 该车主20年来被禁止拥有狗,遭到殴打和逮捕。 The owner, banned from owning dogs for 20 years, was tasered and arrested. 独立警察行为办公室没有发现不当行为的证据。 The Independent Office for Police Conduct found no evidence of misconduct. 该车主因拥有危险失控的狗而被判处缓刑。 The owner received a suspended prison sentence for owning dangerously out-of-control dogs.