渥太华警方调查了2025年第一起凶杀案,58岁男子在Barhaven被发现死亡。 Ottawa police investigating first homicide of 2025; 58-year-old man found dead in Barrhaven.
渥太华警方在发现一名58岁男子于星期五下午5点15分左右死在Barreven一家家中后, 正在调查该市2025年的第一起凶杀案。 警方认为公众安全没有持续受到威胁, Ottawa police are investigating the city's first homicide of 2025, after finding a 58-year-old man dead in a home in Barrhaven on Friday around 5:15 p.m. No arrests have been made, and police believe there is no ongoing threat to public safety. 受害人的身份在通知其近亲之前尚未公布。 The victim's identity has not been released pending notification of next of kin. 警方正在要求公众提供任何信息,并接受匿名提示。 Police are asking the public for any information and are accepting anonymous tips.