多伦多警方在Corso Italia附近调查一起凶杀案;街道关闭。 Toronto police investigating a homicide in the Corso Italia neighborhood; streets closed.
多伦多警方正在调查 发生在Corso Italia街区的凶杀案 周六清晨 Toronto police are investigating a homicide that occurred in the Corso Italia neighborhood early Saturday morning. 发现一名20多岁的男性在圣克莱尔和兰斯达姆路交叉处受伤,后来在医院死亡。 A male in his 20s was found injured at the intersection of St. Clair and Lansdowne avenues and later died in the hospital. 警方尚未公布嫌疑人或死亡原因的细节。 Police have not released details on the suspect or cause of death. 圣克莱尔大道西面和附近街道关闭以供调查,造成该地区的拖延。 St. Clair Avenue West and nearby streets are closed for the investigation, causing delays in the area.