魁北克警方在圣安尼斯特调查一起杀人案;一名50多岁男子在现场被捕。 Quebec police investigating a homicide in Saint-Anicet; a man in his 50s arrested at the scene.
魁北克警方正在调查在蒙特利尔西南约45公里的圣安尼斯特发生的一起杀人案。 Quebec police are investigating a homicide in Saint-Anicet, about 45 km southwest of Montreal. 星期六上午9时左右,有人在一家住宅被发现死亡。 一名50多岁的男子在现场被捕。 A person was found dead at a residence on Saturday morning around 9 a.m. A man in his 50s was arrested at the scene. 警方将此案作为杀人案处理,但没有公布受害人的身份或暴力迹象的细节。 The police are treating the case as a homicide but have not released the victim's identity or details on signs of violence.