奥克拉荷马州拘留中心首席执行官因健康检查批评和个人原因辞职。 Oklahoma County Detention Center CEO resigns amid health inspection criticisms and personal reasons.
俄克拉荷马州拘留中心首席执行官Brandi Garner以包括家庭和精神成长在内的个人理由于2月7日辞职。 Brandi Garner, CEO of the Oklahoma County Detention Center, has resigned effective February 7, citing personal reasons including family and spiritual growth. 在她离开之前,最近有一份健康检查报告批评该设施的工作人员短缺和条件恶劣。 Her departure follows a recent health inspection report criticizing the facility for staff shortages and poor conditions. Garner在2023年5月掌舵,监督监狱人口减少和设施升级。 Garner took the helm in May 2023 and oversaw reductions in jail population and facility upgrades. 监狱的信托董事长Joe Allbaugh 感谢Garner的服务 并宣布寻找新的CEO The jail's trust chairman, Joe Allbaugh, thanked Garner for her service and announced a search for a new CEO.