奥克拉荷马州州长Kevin Stitt任命Tom Newell为幕僚长,取代Grayson Walker。 Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt appoints Tom Newell as chief of staff, replacing Grayson Walker.
奥克拉荷马州州长Kevin Stitt已任命Tom Newell为新任参谋长。 Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt has appointed Tom Newell as his new chief of staff. Newell是前俄克拉荷马州立法者和牧师,2010年至2016年在众议院任职,在政策和公共服务方面拥有丰富经验。 Newell, a former Oklahoma state lawmaker and pastor, served in the House of Representatives from 2010 to 2016 and has extensive experience in policy and public service. 他继承了格雷森·沃克,他即将离开,在私营部门寻找机会。 He succeeds Grayson Walker, who is leaving for opportunities in the private sector. Stitt赞扬了Newell在政策和公共服务方面的领导才能和专长。 Stitt praised Newell's leadership and expertise in policy and public service.