缅甸的叛乱分子,包括克民盟,获得领土,面临民政管理方面的挑战。 Myanmar's rebels, including the KNU, gain territory, face civil administration challenges.
缅甸年轻的反叛者,包括克伦民族联盟(克民盟),正在与军事政权作战并占领领土。 Myanmar's young rebels, including the Karen National Union (KNU), are fighting the military regime and gaining territory. 在Kyaikdon,一个最近解放的城镇,克民盟任命的行政长官Soe Khant计划改善电力和清洁水等公共服务。 In Kyaikdon, a recently liberated town, the KNU-appointed administrator, Soe Khant, plans to improve public services like electricity and clean water. 虽然军方的残暴行为刺激了对叛乱分子的更多支持,但他们现在面临着建立民政管理和在这些领域提供基本服务的挑战。 While the military's brutality has spurred more support for the rebels, they now face the challenge of establishing civil administration and providing essential services in these areas.