缅甸若开军占领若开邦一座城镇。 Myanmar's Arakan Army captures a town in Rakhine state.
缅甸少数民族武装团体若开军声称控制了若开邦西部的一个城镇,这标志着军政府再次遭遇挫折。 Myanmar's ethnic armed group, the Arakan Army, claims control over a town in western Rakhine state, marking another setback for the junta. 若开军自 2021 年军事政变以来一直与政府保持停火,并占领了印度和孟加拉国边境的领土。 The Arakan Army, which has maintained a ceasefire with the government since the 2021 military coup, has seized territory along the border with India and Bangladesh. 该组织自去年11月以来一直与军方发生冲突,而最近的进展给军政府增添了压力,因为它面临着东南亚各地的反对。 The group has been in conflict with the military since November, and recent advances have added pressure on the junta as it faces opposition in various parts of Southeast Asia.