印度尼西亚的伊布山爆发, 发送灰灰四公里高, 并引发安全警告。 Mount Ibu in Indonesia erupted, sending ash four kilometers high and prompting safety advisories.
印尼的伊布山在星期六爆发, 将热熔岩和一列灰灰 送入空中4公里。 Indonesia's Mount Ibu erupted on Saturday, sending hot lava and a column of ash four kilometers into the air. 该火山位于哈尔马赫拉岛,是印度尼西亚最活跃的火山之一,去年爆发了2 000多起火山。 The volcano, located on Halmahera island, is one of Indonesia's most active, with over 2,000 eruptions last year. 虽然没有下令进行新的疏散,但当局建议山顶4至5.5公里以内的人离开,并因可能发生的火山灰而戴面罩和护目镜。 While no new evacuations were ordered, authorities advised people within 4-5.5 kilometers of the peak to leave and to wear face masks and goggles due to potential ashfall. 印尼常有火山活动, Indonesia experiences frequent volcanic activity as it sits on the Pacific "Ring of Fire."