印度尼西亚哈马黑拉岛的伊布火山爆发,产生高达 5 公里的火山灰云,随后发出洪水和冷熔岩流警告。 Mount Ibu in Indonesia's Halmahera Island erupted, producing a 5-km ash cloud, and is followed by warnings of flash floods and cold lava flow.
印度尼西亚哈马黑拉岛的伊布火山爆发,喷出 5 公里高的火山灰云。 Mount Ibu in Indonesia's Halmahera Island has erupted, spewing a 5-km high ash cloud. 该国火山机构(PVMBG)于当地时间上午 11:03 报告了此次火山爆发,同时其灾害机构警告可能出现山洪和冷熔岩流。 The country's volcanology agency (PVMBG) reported the eruption at 11:03 a.m. local time, while its disaster agency has warned of potential flash floods and cold lava flow. 自从四月份火山活动增加以来,五月又发生了一系列火山喷发,导致附近七个村庄的居民疏散。 This comes after a series of eruptions in May, following an increase in volcanic activity since April, resulting in the evacuation of seven nearby villages.