在俄克拉荷马市与冰有关的车祸中,摩托车手严重受伤;没有戴头盔。 Motorcyclist critically injured in ice-related crash in Oklahoma City; not wearing a helmet.
周五晚上 8 点 50 分左右,一名摩托车手在俄克拉荷马城东北部的东北 36 街和北空军站大道附近发生车祸,受重伤。 A motorcyclist was critically injured in a crash near Northeast 36th Street and North Air Depot Boulevard in northeast Oklahoma City on Friday night around 8:50 p.m. 事故发生在摩托车滑倒在冰块上的时候 The accident happened when the motorcycle slid on a patch of ice. 这名骑手没有戴头盔,被带往当地一家医院,伤势严重。 The rider, not wearing a helmet, was taken to a local hospital in critical condition.