摩托车手在I-270 WB和I-71的车祸中受重伤,周日在哥伦布北部暂时关闭的西行车道。 Motorcyclist critically injured in crash on I-270 WB & I-71, westbound lanes temporarily closed in north Columbus on Sunday.
一名摩托车手星期日下午在北哥伦布的I-270 WB & I-71坠毁事故中受重伤。 A motorcyclist was critically injured in a crash on I-270 WB & I-71 in north Columbus on Sunday afternoon. 这次坠机于下午12时40分报告,导致I-270西行道暂时关闭,交通转向I-71。 The crash, reported at 12:40 PM, led to the westbound lanes of I-270 being temporarily closed and traffic diverted to I-71. 该摩托车手被送往河滨卫理公会医院。 The motorcyclist was transported to Riverside Methodist Hospital.