马里兰州由于教师严重短缺,计划增加教师的协作时间。 Maryland delays plan to increase teachers' collaborative time due to severe teacher shortage.
马里兰州计划将教师合作时间从工作日的20%增加到40%,但由于教师严重短缺而推迟。 Maryland's plan to increase teachers' collaborative time from 20% to 40% of their workday has been delayed due to a severe teacher shortage. 问责和执行委员会(AIB)建议推迟马里兰州未来蓝图的这一部分,因为它要求再雇用12 000至15 000名教师。 The Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) recommended postponing this part of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, as it would require hiring 12,000 to 15,000 more teachers. 拖延的目的是解决目前的短缺问题,改进教师的征聘和留用。 The delay aims to address the current shortage and improve teacher recruitment and retention.