缅因州考虑通过法案取消对纸袋和塑料袋的收费和限制,引发环境辩论。 Maine considers bills to remove fees and restrictions on paper and plastic bags, sparking environmental debate.
缅因州立法者正在考虑通过法案,取消有关纸张和塑料袋的条例。 Maine lawmakers are considering bills to roll back regulations on paper and plastic bags. 一项法案旨在取消纸袋收费5%的做法,另一项法案旨在废除对纸袋和塑料袋的限制。 One bill aims to eliminate the five-cent fee on paper bags, while another seeks to repeal restrictions on both paper and plastic bags. 这引发了辩论, 支持者认为现行规则负担过重, 反对者则强调环保利益, This has sparked debate, with supporters arguing the current rules are burdensome and opponents highlighting environmental benefits. 这些法案将由环境和自然资源委员会进行审查。 The bills will be reviewed by the Environment and Natural Resources Committee.