由于最初的一次性禁令未能减少塑料污染,加州立法者投票禁止杂货店使用可重复使用的塑料袋。 California lawmakers voted to ban reusable plastic bags in grocery stores due to original single-use ban's failure to reduce plastic pollution.
由于最初的一次性塑料袋禁令未能减少塑料污染,加州立法者投票决定禁止杂货店使用“可重复使用”的塑料袋。 California lawmakers have voted to ban 'reusable' plastic bags from grocery stores due to the original single-use plastic bag ban failing to reduce plastic pollution. 州参议院和议会批准了两项相同的法案,SB 1053 和 AB 2236,限制商店向顾客提供塑料薄膜“可重复使用”袋。 The State Senate and Assembly approved two identical bills, SB 1053 and AB 2236, which restrict stores from offering plastic film "reusable" bags to customers. 该立法允许杂货商销售由布或编织物制成的其他类型的可重复使用的袋子。 The legislation allows grocers to sell other types of reusable bags made of cloth or woven textiles.