湖区农场试图增加假日住宿,包括帐篷和棚屋,以实现收入的多样化。 A Lake District farm seeks to add holiday accommodations, including tents and huts, to diversify income.
湖区Keswick的Braithwaite New Farm业主向国家公园管理局提交了一份经修订的申请,要求增加假日住宿,使农场业务多样化。 The owner of Braithwaite New Farm in Keswick, Lake District, has submitted a revised application to the National Park Authority to add holiday accommodation to diversify the farm's business. 提案包括4个木材帐篷、1个牧羊人小屋、4个汽车旅馆地点和洗手间设施,目的是提供可负担得起的住宿。 The proposal includes four timber tents, a shepherd's hut, four motorhome spots, and washroom facilities, aiming to provide affordable stays. 这一变化是在丧失了单一农场付款计划之后发生的,农场现在寻求额外的收入来源。 This change follows the loss of the single farm payment scheme, with the farm now seeking additional income sources.