出于对环境和当地居民的担忧,达勒姆郡议会否决了在海克利夫农场建立一座容纳 12,000 只母鸡的散养养鸡场的提议。 Durham County Council rejected a proposal for a 12,000-hen free-range egg farm at Highcliffe Farm due to environmental and local concerns.
达勒姆郡议会否决了在达灵顿附近的 Highcliffe 农场建造一个新的散养养鸡场的提议,该养鸡场可饲养多达 12,000 只母鸡。 Durham County Council rejected a proposal to build a new free-range egg farm at Highcliffe Farm near Darlington, housing up to 12,000 hens. 居民们对该农场对附近温斯顿桥度假公园、当地水质以及蒂斯河生态系统的潜在影响表示担忧。 Residents raised concerns about the farm's potential impact on the nearby Winston Bridge holiday park, local water quality, and the River Tees ecosystem. 委员会还对拟建农场的规模及其对当地环境和地区特色的潜在负面影响表示担忧。 The council also cited concerns about the scale of the proposed farm and its potential negative effects on the local environment and area character.