前英国总理鲍里斯·约翰逊严厉批评普京,呼吁将乌克兰纳入北约。 Former UK PM Boris Johnson harshly criticizes Putin, calls for Ukraine's NATO inclusion.
前英国首相约翰逊(Boris Johnson)严厉批评俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin), 称他为「白痴」, Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson harshly criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling him a "f***ing idiot," and stated that Russia is no longer an empire. Johnson敦促乌克兰加入北约组织,并批评北约组织对乌克兰的模棱两可立场。 Johnson urged for Ukraine's inclusion in NATO and criticized NATO's ambiguous stance towards Ukraine. 强调立陶宛、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚等国家已不再是俄罗斯帝国的一部分。 He described Russia's war as "archaic and barbaric," emphasizing that countries like Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia are not part of the Russian Empire anymore. Johnson还对西方的无所作为和在武装乌克兰方面的拖延表示沮丧。 Johnson also expressed frustration with Western inaction and the delay in arming Ukraine.