克里姆林宫谴责卡梅伦关于乌克兰使用英国武器对抗俄罗斯的言论。 Kremlin condemns Cameron's statement on Ukraine using British weapons against Russian.
克里姆林宫谴责英国外交大臣戴维·卡梅伦的言论,称乌克兰可能会使用英国武器对付俄罗斯目标,这将“直接且危险地加剧”冲突的紧张局势。 The Kremlin has condemned UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron's statement that Ukraine could potentially use British weapons against Russian targets as a "direct and dangerous escalation of tensions" around the conflict. 卡梅伦承诺每年向乌克兰提供 30 亿英镑的军事援助,并表示伦敦不反对在俄罗斯境内使用其武器。 Cameron pledged £3bn of annual military aid for Ukraine and stated that London had no objection to its weapons being used inside Russia. 克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫称卡梅伦的言论很危险,可能对欧洲安全构成威胁。 Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described Cameron's comments as dangerous and potentially posing a risk to European security.